Welcome to

Alice Ingham

Welcome to
Alice Ingham

The St Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Academy Trust (CAT) exists to secure 4-16 Catholic Education in the Diocese of Salford. Within the CAT, our academies are communities where our children and young people are given a clear vision for life, a vision which is rooted in the person and teachings of Jesus Christ and which is faithful to the mission of the Catholic Church.

The Trust seeks to serve all our families and to work with other partners in education for the benefit of our children and young people; we are committed to working together as academies and with the wider community for the common good.

Our Mission Statement

Journeying to excellence through faith and learning.

Contact Us

Alice Ingham Roman Catholic Primary School A Voluntary Academy
Off Halifax Road
0L16 2NU

01706 341560


Safeguarding Notice

Alice Ingham Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects the whole School community to share this commitment. For more information please Click Here to read our Safeguarding Policy. You must accept our Safeguarding Policy to continue