Please click below to learn more about admissions at our school:

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 your child will start primary school in September 2025.

Applicants are encouraged to complete their application online.

Please click on the following link:- in new tab)

When places have been allocated and the appeals timetable has been published by Rochdale MBC – details will appear on this page.

Please click on the following link to download a parents’ guide for applications – Parents Guide CP

Visits to our school are warmly welcomed. If you would like to enquire about arranging a visit, a school place or transfer in the school year, please contact the school office on 01706 341 560 or email

The closing date for applications is Wednesday 15th January 2025 . For allocations made by email a response e-mail will be sent out on 16th April 2025. For application made by post, this is sent by 2nd class post on the same date so will arrive later.

If you have a child who is currently in Year 6 the closing date for Application to Secondary School is 31st October 2024.

To read our Admissions Policy, please click on the relevant link below.

For 2024/25 (Starting September 2025) click here