Click on the sections below to explore and learn more about the Spanish curriculum at Alice Ingham.

At Alice Ingham RC Primary School, we aim to build a curriculum which encourages children to develop an interest in learning other languages and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills that prepares them to become global citizens now and in later life. We aim to provide all children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to learn a new language enabling them to develop their oracy and literacy skills as well as their understanding of their own culture/s and those of others.

The heart of our MFL curriculum allows the children to explore and develop their awareness of the cultural differences in other countries to our own. We stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language and help them to become confident by raising the profile of MFL within school.  At Alice Ingham we hope that learning another language will do a great deal to shape children’s ideas about language learning as well as giving them a new perspective on their own language and a better understanding of their own cultural capital. Our MFL curriculum is taught by a specialist, this ensures that the children have quality first teaching in Spanish.

Our Spanish Subject Leader is Mrs Dublin.

For Spanish, we use the Primary Languages Network scheme of work.  You can learn more here.