Regular school attendance is crucial for your child’s academic achievement, overall well-being, and broader development. When children attend school consistently, they have the opportunity to engage with their peers, teachers, and educational resources. Good attendance patterns correlate with higher academic achievement and a more positive school experience. Moreover, attending school regularly helps instil responsible behaviour patterns that extend beyond the classroom.

Our school staff attendance team consists of:

  • Miss Webster (Pastoral Officer)

Leave of absence will only be granted (authorised) under exceptional circumstances. Legislation does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time so it is therefore unlikely that a leave of absence would be granted for the purposes of a family holiday. In making decisions we will take into account the specific circumstances and context behind the request. If a leave of absence is granted, the Head teacher will determine the length of the time the pupil can be away from school. Requests for a leave of absence should be made in writing to the Head teacher giving as much notice as possible.
Thank you for your continued support as we work together to support our children.

• Maintain effective routines at home to support good attendance
• Contact the school office before 8.45am to let us know the reason for the absence and the expected date of return. Please leave a voicemail if needs be.
• Avoid unnecessary absences. For example, pre-planned medical/ dental appointments should take place outside of school hours.
• Inform us of any change in circumstances that may impact on your child’s attendance.
• Support us by becoming involved in your child’s education, acknowledging the value of education and the importance of children receiving the same messages from home and school
• Work with us to address any barriers to attendance for your child including attending all meetings requested to discuss attendance issues.
• If your child should suffer from sickness or diarrhoea they must be kept off school until symptom free for 48 hours.

We value and recognise the importance of good attendance and have systems and processes in place to make sure attendance in managed effectively for all children. We regularly analyse attendance data to identify pupils who have consistently high attendance, those who have shown improvements in their attendance and to identify pupils who may be vulnerable. We will provide support for those who may have lower rates of attendance and again I ask that you work with school if you have any issues with your child being able to attend school regularly. We are always here to support.